Publications an proceedings
82. (JA) Taras, V., Steel, P., & Stackhouse, M. (conditionally accepted). Measuring Culture: A Comparative Evaluation of Seven Instruments for Measuring Hofstedean Cultural Values Journal of World Business. (PDF)
81. (JA) Davaeia, M., Gunkel, M., Vegliob, V., & Taras, V. (2022). The influence of cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence on conflict occurrence and performance in global virtual teams. Journal of International Management, xxx, 100969. DOI: (PDF)
80. (EB) Taras, V. (Ed.) The X-Culture Handbook of Collaboration and Problem Solving in Global Virtual Teams. University of North Carolina Press, Raleigh, NC. (PDF)
79. (JA) Tavoletti, E., Florea, L., Taras, V., Sahin, F., Çetin, F., & Askun, D. (in press). Cohesion and performance in global virtual teams: the moderating role of technical skills. European Journal of International Management. DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2022.10048936 (PDF)
78b. (BC) Keyton, J., Feitosa, J., & Taras, V. (2022). Research Methods for National Culture and Organizational Culture: Multiple Research Perspectives. In J. Keyton (Ed.), Culture 2.0: Intersection of National Culture and Organizational Culture. (PDF)
78a. (BC) Altarriba, J., Avery, M. C., Keyton, J., Taras, V., & Wildman, J. (2022). National and Organizational Culture: Same, but Different? In J. Keyton (Ed.), Culture 2.0: Intersection of National Culture and Organizational Culture.(PDF)
77. (JA) Gilli, K., Gunkel, M, Velerio, V., Taras, V. (in press). In Search of The Holy Grail in Global Virtual Teams: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction on Performance Outcomes. Journal of Business Research (PDF)
76. (JA) Tomczewska-Popowycz, N., & Taras, V. (2022). The Many Names of “Roots Tourism”: An Integrative Review of the Terminology. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. (PDF)
75. Bird, A., Maznevski, M., Michailova, S., Szkudlarek, B., Taras, V. (2022) Broadening Our Sight by Expanding Our Horizons: The Future of Intercultural Competence Research. The University of Auckland Business School Research Paper Series. Posted Jan 5, 2022. Re-print Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), 18067. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2020.18067symposium (PDF)
74. (JA) Tavoletti, E., Stephens, R., Dong, L., Taras, V. (2022). Nationality biases in peer evaluations: The country-of-origin effect in global virtual teams. International Business Review. 31(2), 101969 (PDF)
73. (TB) Richter, N. F., Strandskov, J., Hauff, S. & Taras, V., 2022, Internatioanl Business. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Textbook
72. (JA) Taras, V., Baack, D., Caprar, D., Jiménez, A., & Froese, F. (2021). Research: How Cultural Differences Can Impact Global Teams. Harvard Business Review, June 9, 2021, (PDF)
71. (JA) Johnson, W., Baker, D., Dong, L., Taras, V., Wankel, C. (2021). Do Team Charters Help Team-Based Projects? The Effects of Team Charters on Performance and Satisfaction in Global Virtual Teams, Academy of Management Learning and Education. (PDF)
70. (JA) Baker, D., Taras, V., Cohen, E., Balbinot, Z., & Newa, F. (2021). The Effects of Cultural Intelligence, Psychological Safety, and Teamwork Climate on Conflict Frequency in Global Virtual Teams. European Journal of International Management. DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2022.10045380 (PDF)
69. (JA) Valenzuela, M., Nguyen, A., Taras, V. (2021). A Review of Organizational Research on Acculturation from a Nonwork-Work Spillover Perspective: Content Analysis and Future Research Guidelines. International Journal of Management Reviews. 23(4): 516-540 (PDF)
68. (JA) Richter, N. F., Martin, J., Hansen, S., Taras, V., & Alon, I. (2021). Motivational Configurations of Cultural Intelligence, Social Integration, and Performance in Global Virtual Teams. Journal of Business Research. 129(3): 351-367. (PDF)
67. (JA) Schlagel, C., Richter, N., Taras, V. (2021) Cultural intelligence and work-related outcomes: A meta-analytic examination of joint effects and test of incremental predictive validity. Journal of World Busines, 56(4), 101209 (PDF)
66. (JA) Akoto, E., Taras, V. (2021). Micro-Level Cultural Profiles and Team Orientation and Contribution. European Journal of International Management. DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2021.10039488 (PDF)
65. (JA) Arora, A., Arora, A., & Taras, V. (2020). Finding ‘H’ in HRI: Examining Human Personality Traits, Robotic Anthropomorphism and Robot Likeability in Human-Robot Interaction. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. (PDF)
64. (JA) Fujing, D. X., Dong, L., Gao, B., Yu, Z., & Taras, V. (2020). Understanding the Relationships between Distances and Herd Behavior in Online Reviews: The Moderating Effects of Hospitality Experience. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (PDF)
63. (JA) Taras, V., Shah, G., Gunkel, M., Tavoletti, E., Assouad, A., Kraemer, J., Jimenez, A., Wei C. (2020). Graduates of Elite Universities Get Paid More. Do They Perform Better?, Harvard Business Review, September 4.
62. (JA) Lee, J. Y., Taras, V., Jiménez, A., Choi, B., & Pattnaik, C. (2020). Ambidextrous Knowledge Sharing within R&D Teams and Multinational Enterprise Performance: The Moderating Effects of Cultural Distance in Uncertainty Avoidance. Management International Review, 60(3): 1-39. (PDF)
61. (JA) Taras, V., Gunkel, M., Assouad, A., Tavoletti, E., Kraemer, J., Jimenez, A., . . . Shah, G. (2020). The Predictive Power Of University Pedigree On The Graduate’s Performance In Global Virtual Teams. European Journal of International Management. 16(4), 555-584. (PDF)
60. (BC) Taras, V. (2019). Cross-Cultural Training: History, Developments, Future Directions. In B. Szkudlarek, L. Romani, D. Caprar, & J. Osland (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management: Sage. (PDF)
59. (JA) Arora, A. S., Arora, A., & Taras, V. (2019). The moderating role of culture in social media-based spatial imagery, consumer xenocentrism, and word-of-mouth for global virtual teams. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 19(2), 160-193. (PDF)
58. (BC) Baumanis, L., Taras, V., Lynden, K., Tavoletti, E., & Muth, T. (2019). The X-Culture Global Business Program: A Short-Term International Study-Abroad Experience. In M. A. Gonzalez-Perez, K. Lynden, & V. Taras (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan.
57. (BC) Taras, V. (2019). X-Culture Academy: Kids Learning International Business Through Experience. In M. A. Gonzalez-Perez, K. Lynden, & V. Taras (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan.
56. (BC) Taras, V. (2019). The X-Culture Coaching Program: Learning Team Management Through Practice. In M. A. Gonzalez-Perez, K. Lynden, & V. Taras (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan.
55. (BC) Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., Lynden, K., & Taras, V. (2019). Learning and Teaching International Business and Management Using Experiential Learning Pedagogy. In M. A. Gonzalez-Perez, K. Lynden, & V. Taras (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan.
54. (EB) Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., Lynden, K., & Taras, V. (Eds.). (2019). The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan. (PDF)
53. (JA) Mulik, S., Srivastava, M., Yajnik, N., & Taras, V. (2019). Antecedents and Outcomes of Flow Experience of MOOC Users. Journal of International Education in Business. (PDF)
52. (JA) Taras, V., Baak, D., Caprar, D., Dowd, D., Froesee, F., Jimenezf, A., & Magnussong, P. (2019). Diverse effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams. Journal of International Management. 25(4)1-36. (PDF)
51. (JA) Taras, V. (2019). Conceptualizing and Measuring Cultural Intelligence: Important Unanswered Questions. European Journal of International Management. 14(2): 273-293. (PDF)
50. (JA) Modaresnezhad, M., Palvia, P., Iyer, L., & Taras, V. (2019). Information Technology (IT) Enabled Crowdsourcing: A Conceptual Framework. Information Processing and Management. 57(2):102-135. (PDF)
49. (JA) McLarnon, M., O’Neill, T., Taras, V., Donia, M., Steel, P., & Law, D. (2019). Global Virtual Team Communication, Coordination, and Performance across Three Peer Feedback Strategies. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. 51(4):207-218.
48. (JA) Palvia, P., Dissanayake, I., Amoako-Gyampah, K., Mehta, N., & Taras, V. (2019). Competition Matters! Self-Efficacy, Effort and Performance in Crowdsourcing Teams. Information & Management. 56(8):103-158.
47. (JA) Poór, J., Varga, E., Szira, Z., Kollár, C., & Taras, V. (2018). Central and Eastern European Experience of the X-Culture Project in Teaching International Management and Cross-Cultural Communication. Journal of Intercultural Management, 10(1), 5-41. (PDF)
46. (JA) Taras, V., Tullar, W., Liu, T., & Pierce, J. (2018). Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: Justifications and Prevention Strategies Provided by Free Riders on Global Virtual Teams. Journal for Management and Training for Industries, 5(3):51-67 (PDF)
45. (JA) Poór, J., Varga, E., Machová, R., & Taras, V. (2018). Nové Formy Vzdelávania Prostredníctvom „X-Culture“ Projektu (New Forms of Education under “X-Culture” Project). Ekonomické Rozhľady (Economic Review), 47(1), 9-25. (PDF)
44. (JA) Taras, V., Mimeli, E., Wang, Z., & Harms, H. (2018). Family Involvement in Publicly-Traded Firms and Firm Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Management Research Review. 41(2), 225-251. (PDF)
43. (JA) Steel, P., Taras, V., Uggerslev, K., & Bosco, F. (2018). The happy culture: a theoretical, meta-analytic, and empirical review of the relationship between culture and wealth and subjective well-being. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 22(2), 128-169 (PDF)
42. (JA) Jimenez, A., Boehe, D., Taras, V., & Caprar, D. (2017). Working across Boundaries: Current and Future Perspectives on Global Virtual Teams. Journal of International Management. 23(4): 341-349. (PDF)
41. (JA) Poór, J., Varga, E., Machova, R., Taras, V. (2017) X-Culture: A nemzetközi együttműködés egy példája In Borgulya Ágnes és Konczosné Szombathelyi Márta (Szerk.) Vállalati kommunikációmenedzsment (pp. 134-148), L’Harmattan Kiadó: Budapest (in Hungarian). (PDF)
40. (JA) Tullar, W., Taras, V. (2017). Free Riding: A Multicultural Study. International Journal of the Academic Business World, 11(1):39-48. (PDF)
39. (JA) Poór, J., Varga, E., Machova, R., Taras, V. (2016), X-Culture: An international project in the light of experience gained over the years (2010-2016). Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research. (3)2: 1-10. (PDF)
38. (BC) Taras, V. (2018). Cultural Dimensions, Hofstede. The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication (IE-ICC), the International Communication Association publishing. (PDF)
37. (JA) Kirkman, B., Taras, V., & Steel, P. (2016). Research: The Biggest Culture Gaps Are Within Countries, Not Between Them. Harvard Business Review, published May 18, LINK (PDF)
36. (JA) Guenkel, M., Schlaeger, C., & Taras, V. (2016). Cultural Values, Emotional Intelligence, and Conflict Handling Styles: A Global Study. Journal of World Business. 51(4): 568–585. (PDF)
35. (JA) Taras, V., Steel, P., & Kirkman, B. L. (2016). Does Country Equate with Culture? Beyond Geography in the Search for Cultural Entities. Management International Review. 54(4): 455-472. (PDF)
34. (JA) Zanakis, S., Newburry, W., & Taras, V. (2016). Global social tolerance index and multi-method country rankings sensitivity. Journal of International Business Studies. 47(5): 480-495. (PDF)
33. (JA) Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Meyers, J., Vas, T.(alphabetical). (2016). The Development and Validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient. Cross Cultural and Strategic Management (former Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal), 23(1): 78-100. (PDF)
32. (BC) Taras, V., Berg, D. M., Erdener, C. B., Hagen, J. M., Johns, A., Meszoely, G., . . . Smith, R. C. (2015). More Food for Thought: Other Experiential Learning Projects. In V. Taras & M. A. Gonzalez-Perez (Eds.), The Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business (pp. 873-886). Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. (PDF)
31. (BC) Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., & Taras, V. (2015). Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations: Experiential Learning in International Business and International Management Fields. In V. Taras & M. A. Gonzalez-Perez (Eds.), The Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business (pp. 12-17). Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. (PDF)
30. (BC) Taras, V., & Gonzalez-Perez, M. A. (Eds.). (2015). The Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN: 9781137467706). (PDF)
29. (BC) Taras, V., & Ordeñana, X. (2015). X-Culture: Challenges and Best Practices of Large-Scale Experiential Collaborative Projects. In V. Taras & M. A. Gonzalez-Perez (Eds.), The Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business (pp. 131-149). Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
28. (JA) Junni, P., Sarala, R., Taras, V., & Tarba, S. (2013). Organizational ambidexterity and performance: A meta-analysis. The Academy of Management Perspectives. 27(4), 299-312. (PDF)
27. (JA) Gonzalez-Perez, M.A, Velez-Calle, A., Cathro, V., Caprar, D.V. & Taras, V. (2014) Virtual teams: Challenges and opportunities for International Business teaching and learning. Journal of Teaching in International Business. Paciber Special Issue, 25:200-213. (PDF)
26. (JA) Magnusson, P., Schuster, A., & Taras, V. (2014). A Process-Based Explanation of the Psychic Distance Paradox: Evidence from Global Virtual Teams. Management International Review, 54(3): 283-306. (PDF)
25. (JA) Poór, J., Machova, R., Kerekes, K., Király, Á., & Taras, V. (2013). Experiences and Conclusions on the X-Culture International Case-Study Program. Human Political Review, 1:13-23. (PDF)
24. (JA) Merkin, R., Taras, V., & Steel, P. 2013. State of the art themes in cross-cultural communication research: A systematic and meta-analytic review. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 38(1), 1-23. (PDF)
23. (JA) Taras, V., Muchinsky, P., Sarala, R., Avsec, A., Kemmelmeier, M., Aygun, Z. K., . . . Singelis, T. M. (2014). Opposite ends of the same stick? Multi-method test of the dimensionality of individualism and collectivism. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(2), 213-245. (PDF)
21. (JA) Taras, V., Caprar, D. V., Rottig, D., Sarala, R. M., Zakaria, N., Zhao, F., . . . Minor, M. S. 2013. A global classroom? Evaluating the effectiveness of global virtual collaboration as a teaching tool in management education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(3), 414-435. (PDF)
20. (BC) Taras, V., Muth, T., & Gitlin, B. (2013). International collaboration experience: Using multi-country student collaboration projects to enhance learning and faculty research. In R. Griffith & L. F. Thompson (Eds.), The age of internationalization: Developing an international organizational psychology curriculum. Pringer Publishing, NY. (PDF)
19. (JA) Taras, V., Bryla, P., Gupta, S. F., Jiménez, A., Minor, M. S., Muth, T., Ordenana, X., Rottig, D., Sarala, R., Zakaria, N., Zdravkovic, S. (2013). Changing the Face of International education: The X-Culture Project. Academy of International Business Insights, 12(4): 11-17. –
“Aib Insight Outstanding Article Award - Celebrating 20 Years.” – best paper award. (PDF)
18. (JA) Taras, V. Rowney, J., Steel, P. (2013). Work-Related Acculturation: Change in Individual Work-Related Cultural Values Following Immigration. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(1-2):130-151. (PDF)
17. (JA) Fendyur, A., & Taras, V. (2013). Quantitative Predictive Capacity of Human Development Index in Wireless Telephony Operations. International Journal of Applied Management Science, 5(1):66-79. (PDF)
16. (BC) Taras, V. (2012). Trompenaars’ and Hampden-Turner’s cultural factors: Universalism-Particularism. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 6: International Management. (PDF)
15. (JA) Taras, V. (2012). Direct Versus Indirect Compensation: Balancing Value and Cost in Total Compensation. Compensation and Benefits Review, 44(1):24-28. (PDF)
14. (JA) Taras, V., Steel, P., Kirkman, B. (2012). Improving National Cultural Indices Using a Meta-Analysis of Hofstede’s Dimensions. Journal of World Business, 47(3): 329-341. (PDF)
13. (JA) Taras, V., Steel, P., & Kirkman, B. L. (2011). Three Decades of Research on National Culture in the Workplace: Do the Differences Still Make a Difference? Organizational Dynamics, 40:189-198. (PDF)
12. (JA) Taras, V., & Kline, T. J. B. (2010). Scale validation via quantifying item validity using the Dm index. Psychological Reports, 107(2), 535-546. (PDF)
11. (JA) Taras, V., Steel, P., & Kirkman, B. L. (2010). Negative practice–value correlations in the GLOBE data: Unexpected findings, questionnaire limitations and research directions. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(8), 1330-1338. (PDF)
10. (JA) Taras, V., Kirkman, B. L., & Steel, P. (2010). Examining the Impact of Culture’s Consequences: A Three-Decade, Multi-Level, Meta-Analytic Review of Hofstede’s Cultural Value Dimensions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(3), 405-439. (PDF)
9. (JA) Steel, P. & Taras, V. (2010). Culture as a Consequence: A Multilevel Multivariate Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Individual and Country Characteristics on Work-Related Cultural Values. Journal of International Management. 16(2): 211-233. (PDF)
8. (JA) Taras, V., Rowney, J. , Steel, P. (2009). Half a Century of Measuring Culture: Approaches, Challenges, Limitations, and Suggestions Based on the Analysis of 121 Instruments for Quantifying Culture. Journal of International Management, 5(14): 357-373. (PDF)
7. (BC) Taras, V., & Steel, P. (2009). Challenging fundamental assumptions about culture: A multi-level multivariate meta-analysis. In C. Nakata (Ed.), Beyond Hofstede: Culture Frameworks for Global Marketing and Management: Macmillan/Palgrave, London, UK. (PDF)
6. (JA) Taras, V. (2008). Immigrant worker acculturation: Pace, extent, and predictors. Perspective: Human Resources, 3, 24. (PDF)
5. (JA) Taras, V., & Rowney, J. (2008). Cross-Cultural Differences in Perceptions of Justice: Consequences for Academia. International Studies of Educational Administration (ISEA), 36(3), 104-123. (PDF)
4. (JA) Taras, V., & Rowney, J. (2007). Effects of Cultural Diversity on In-Class Communication and Student Project Team Dynamics: Creating Synergy in the Diverse University Classroom. International Studies in Educational Administration (ISEA), 35(2), 66-82. (PDF)
3. (CP) Taras, V., & Steel, P. (2006). Culture as a consequence: A multilevel multivariate meta-analysis of the effects of individual and country characteristics on work-related cultural values. Best Paper Proceedings, the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (PDF)
2. (CP) Taras, V., & Steel, P. (2006). Improving Cultural Indices and Rankings Based on a Meta-Analysis of Hofstede’s Taxonomy. Paper presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Beijing, China. Best Paper Proceedings/Temple/AIB Best Paper Award Nominee.
1. (JA) Taras, V. (2003). Social and Economic Effects of Bureaucratization and Institutionalization of Management as a Profession. Journal of Social Science Research (former ERGO), 1(2), 1-21. (PDF)
Other Publications
7. Taras, V. (2014). X-Culture Database, Data publication. Published June 25, 2014, Wikidemix:
6. Taras, V. (2014). Pooled Culture Data Set: 88 Data Sets Pooled Together, Data publication. Published July 8, 2014, Wikidemix: pooled-together/
5. Taras, V. (2014). Acculturation of Immigrants in Canada, Data publication. Published Jun 24, 2014, Wikidemix:
4. Taras, V. (updated regularly since 2005). Culture Survey Catalogue: Original Items, Scoring Keys and Psychometric Properties of 127 Instruments for Measuring Cultural Values and Behaviors. Online at
3. Taras, V. (updated regularly since 2005). Acculturation Survey Catalogue: Original Items, Scoring Keys and Psychometric Properties of 53 Instruments for Measuring Acculturation. Online at
2. Taras, V. (2008). Integrating immigrants into the workplace takes time. National Post: Financial Post, Dec 9, 2008 issue, full text available at
1. Taras, V. (2008). Work-Related Acculturation: Change in Individual Work-Related Cultural Values Following Immigration. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Calgary, Canada.